Oregon State University
GEO 560, GIScience 1: Introduction to Geographic Information Science, Fall 2024, Annotated Bibliography: "Building a Healthy Music Ecosystem in the 49th State". Complied by Natalie Bullock
1. Schippers, H. & Grant, C. (2016). Approaching music cultures as ecosystems: A dynamic model for understanding and supporting sustainability. In Schippers, H. & Grant, C. (Eds.), Sustainable Futures for Music Cultures: An Ecological Perspective (pp. 333-352). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Summary
Overall, the sustainability of music through either formal or informal ways of engagement is tied to community recognition of the value of music. However, not all styles of music or music genres are supported equally. Schippers and Grant examine the elements of music sustainability through an ecological perspective in order to understand what makes a functional, diverse, and healthy music ecosystem. Relevance to my capstoneSchippers and Grant explore what makes music sustainable and how a music ecosystem is defined. Their case studies include both formal and informal styles of music and they identify nuances between the two types in sustainability. Their research is relevant because it identifies that not all styles of music are funded, supported, preserved, and regulated the same.
2. Grant, C. (2014). Endangered musical heritage as a wicked problem. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21(7), 629–641. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2014.976245SummaryGrant explores the decline and loss of musical heritage from critiquing three common narratives about “at-risk” music genres in a way of hoping to expose deeper issues and a need for a more interdisciplinary approach to preserving these cultural heritages. She purports that music sustainability is a wicked problem, that music sustainability is such a complex issue that not one solution will be appropriate everywhere. Relevance to my capstoneGrant contributes to the idea that a music ecosystem is a complex system with many varying elements and that not all music ecosystems will look alike. Her research is relevant because it helps to expose potential biases and downfalls to what some in the field have offered as straightforward and monocultural solutions.
3. Shapiro, S. (2022). How a ‘music audit’ led to equitable economic development in Huntsville, Ala. Brookings.edu. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-a-music-audit-led-to-equitable-economic-development-in-huntsville-ala/SummaryShapiro discusses the economic benefits of creative placemaking through the creation of a ‘music city’ using Huntsville, Ala. as an example. Through his organization, Sound Diplomacy, a music audit is conducted. The city adopted a four-year equity and economic development strategy to achieve their goal of becoming Alabama’s first “music city”.Relevance to my capstoneShapiro’s work has created metrics to assess and reform music infrastructure in cities. This work is relevant in showcasing the positive economic impacts associated with a vital music ecosystem to policy makers and government funded organizations.
4. Kurin, Richard. (2007). “Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage: key factors in implementing the 2003 convention.” International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2: 9-20.SummaryKurin purports that Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is best safeguarded by that cultural community and that there is a greater need to understand ICH in diverse contexts.Relevance to my capstoneKurin’s research implies that when it comes to the regulation, creation, and curation of ICH it is the community living, existing, and participating in the ICH that should have agency. A healthy music ecosystem must be shaped from the community.
5. Grant, Catherine. (2014). Music Endangerment: How Language Maintenance Can Help. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199352173.001.0001.SummaryGrant argues there is a connection between music and language when it comes to ways in which maintenance and sustainability can be achieved. She constructs a comparative framework by adapting and applying UNESCO’s measures of language endangerment to music in order to facilitate a replicable tool for gauging the level of vitality for music genres.Relevance to my capstoneAs the idea of a music ecosystem is somewhat lesser known to the public and policy makers, having a standardized way of evaluating the health of certain music communities is imperative for having meaningful case studies.
6. Prior, H. M. (2022). How Can Music Help Us to Address the Climate Crisis? Music & Science, 5. https://doi.org/10.1177/20592043221075725SummaryPrior examines how music can influence our moods and behaviors and is often used to address problems in health and wellbeing. Prior tries to connect ways in which music psychology can influence environment-related beliefs and behaviors.Relevance to capstonePrior’s work focuses on the positive impacts music has on human health and wellbeing and how that in turn positively impacts the ecological environment. One of the goals with creating a music city in Anchorage is to foster a movement toward greater awareness of mental health. It is also to establish that the perseverance of music genres will directly impact mental health as it pertains to cultural identity. However, it is relevant to point out that certain aspects of the music industry are not environmentally friendly and there should be innovation to make them more so.
7. Clarke E, DeNora T, Vuoskoski J. (2015). Music, empathy and cultural understanding. Phys Life Rev. 2015 Dec;15:61-88. doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2015.09.001. PMID: 26419700.SummaryThis is a review of multiple studies in multiple disciplines that provide evidence for the ability of music to encourage empathy and social/cultural understanding. The review compiles the primary components of how empathy is achieved through music in an effort to create a single framework for future studies.Relevance to capstoneThe capacity of music to transform those who are involved in a positive way is fundamental to the movement to create a music city in Anchorage and to initiate music exchange programs across cultures. The evidence of music playing a key role in creating an empathetic and cultural tolerant society is an important aspect of mitigating negative mental health and other societal problems.
8. Gustavson DE, Coleman PL, Iversen JR, Maes HH, Gordon RL, Lense MD. (2021) Mental health and music engagement: review, framework, and guidelines for future studies. Transl Psychiatry. Jun 22;11(1):370. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01483-8. PMID: 34226495; PMCID: PMC8257764.SummaryGustavson et al. offers a comprehensive look at studies on music and mental health and advancements in the collection of data for more rigorous examination of those connections are accessible.Relevance to CapstoneFurther demonstration on the positive impacts of music on mental health and society in order to strengthen the argument to initiate Anchorage as a music city.
9. Toomey TL, Erickson DJ, Carlin BP, Lenk KM, Quick HS, Jones AM, Harwood EM. (2012). The association between density of alcohol establishments and violent crime within urban neighborhoods. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. Aug;36(8):1468-73. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2012.01753.x. Epub 2012 May 15. PMID: 22587231; PMCID: PMC3412911.SummaryToomey, Erickson, Carlin, Lenk, Quick, Jones, and Hardwood take a deeper dive into the statistics of crime and alcohol density in Minneapolis and come to the conclusion that it is not just the availability of alcohol in an area but the density of on-premise establishments serving alcohol that increase the amount of assaults in a given area. The research cautions community leaders of the potential negative impacts of an increase in alcohol establishments.Relevance to capstoneThis article demonstrates that there is a direct link to violent crimes and bars. In Anchorage, currently there are few venues that are all ages and a lot of the music venues are in bars. There are a lot of violent crimes associated in these neighborhoods. In order to foster a healthy music ecosystem within the city of Anchorage there needs to be safe spaces for people to engage, perform, and consume music.
10. Saska, J. (2014). Rum Deal, Counting up all the Ways America’s Booze Laws are Terrible. Slate. https://slate.com/business/2014/06/americas-booze-laws-worse-than-you-thought.html SummaryLaws from the prohibition period are still governing how liquor is sold in the United States and has created an environment of inequitable access and a monopoly of control. This laws have been shown to be disadvantageous to smaller businesses and historically marginalized business owners. Relevance to capstoneWithout real change in how liquor and music are intertwined legally in Alaska, a safe and more equitable music ecosystem will be hard to achieve. Policies must be changed and the current infrastructure redesigned to foster a positive impact in the community when it comes to how and where you can participate in live music.
11. Hosagrahar, J. (2017). Culture: at the heart of Sustainable Development Goals. The UNESCO Courier. https://courier.unesco.org/en/articles/culture-heart-sustainable-development-goalsSummaryIn 2015, the United Nations recognized culture as a contributing factor to achieving their Sustainable Development Goals. The importance of culture has been accepted as a way to promote safe and sustainable cities, create economic stimulus, reduce inequalities, and create more peaceful and inclusive societies. Relevance to CapstoneMusic plays a big part of cultural identity. Music should be considered a crucial asset in the development of sustainable cities. City policies and funding should focus on creating better infrastructure for the expansion of protected music spaces.
12. Geurts, A, Cepa, K. (2023). Transforming the music industry: How platformization drives business ecosystem envelopment, Long Range Planning, Volume 56, Issue 4, 102327, ISSN 0024-6301, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102327.SummaryThe article is concentrated on how digital transactions influence business ecosystems, specifically how the digital age has reconfigured both value capture and creation. Relevance to capstoneProvides a definition for the term business ecosystem as a music ecosystem will also fall within the economic realm and not just the social and cultural realm. As such, a music ecosystem will include the community of organizations, institutions, and individuals that impact the enterprise and those who supply and consume the enterprise’s goods.
13. Kapoor, R. (2018). Ecosystems: broadening the locus of value creation. J Org Design 7, 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41469-018-0035-4SummaryAs the word “ecosystem” has been adopted by various industries to describe functioning systems, Kapoor extrapolates on the growing trend to use this idea outside of its origins and how beneficial it could be to organization design. Relevance to capstoneUtilizing the word ecosystem to refer to non ecological systems could initiate a better understanding of a more holistic approach to businesses or industries. I believe it can help construct a more equitable, sustainable, and environmentally conscious business model.
14. Rehfeldt RA, Tyndall I, Belisle J. Music as a Cultural Inheritance System: A Contextual-Behavioral Model of Symbolism, Meaning, and the Value of Music. Behav Soc Issues. 2021;30(1):749-773. doi: 10.1007/s42822-021-00084-w. Epub 2021 Dec 3. PMID: 38624997; PMCID: PMC8641538.SummaryMusic can promote the well being of a population. Some research suggests that music plays an integral role in shaping behavior with a sociocultural community. It is often the core feature of many cultural activities and practices.Relevance to capstoneThis is another example of how music is valuable to a population and to the perseverance of culture. Without proper spaces and funding the path to cultural preservation of certain music genres could be erased. In Alaska specifically, the ability to create engagement with music outside of the standard bar scene could create a more positive sociocultural landscape for the community.
15. Tammy L. Elwell, David López-Carr, Stefan Gelcich, Steven D. Gaines. (2020). The importance of cultural ecosystem services in natural resource-dependent communities: Implications for management, Ecosystem Services, Volume 44, 101123, ISSN 2212-0416, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101123.SummaryThe article defines what a cultural ecosystem service (CES) is and how they are important in providing the basic needs of a fulfilling life as the provisioning ecosystem services like food, water, and fuel are. The article recognizes that there are more nuances to what CES’s are considered important cross culturally, but that universally they are an important part of people’s lives and as such they should be taken into account when talking about natural resource management.Relevance to capstoneMusic is a cultural ecosystem service and should be considered an important part of resource management. This status further argues the importance of music within a community.